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The SMART way to screen ART clients

A new records check service designed exclusively for ART industry service providers.

Social Media Background Check

Social media has become a necessary daily activity for the vast majority of people as well as organizations. Reviewing the social media history of a person exposes their true attitudes and beliefs and can certainly influence the decision making of accepting a client/patient and if they would in turn accept the client they would be matched with. Some of the outcomes that can result from not performing a social media background check can be damaging to your day-to-day operations and in future operations.

As social media usage continues to grow new users and new applications are reported every day. There were more than 4.62 billion social media users around the world in January 2022, about 58.4% of the total global population, according to strategic marketing consultancy firm Kepios. Social media user numbers grew by 424 million in the previous 12 months.

Although your organization is not an “employer” for this purpose, the following is an astonishing statistic when looking at candidates to fill a need:

CareerBuilder recently reported that over 70% of employers are screening social media to research job candidates. Within that large group, 57% indicated that they have found content that caused them to pass on a candidate.

Can you really afford to ignore this important information that has already proven itself to be critical in protecting your clients (and yourself) from working with potentially harmful candidates?

SmartART’s advanced technology, comprehensive social platform coverage, and customized solutions differentiate us from our competitors.


  • Multi-Platform Coverage – Our background investigation covers multiple social media platforms. We even go beyond the popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Customized – We customize and specially craft the screening to meet the needs of our client – we can focus on one or many personality traits, use of language, inclination towards an ideology, political bent etc.
  • Detailed Reports – We use AI along with non-automated research to create comprehensive reports on social media behavior. We analyze language, discriminatory behavior on race, gender, and religion, abusive content, sexual content etc. to understand personal characteristics and disposition.


Your First 3 Background Checks Are On Us!

For a limited time, you can get 3 free background checks as our way of showing you just how simple and easy it can be to run an in-depth, industry-specific background check on your clients.

(No purchase necessary & no credit card needed!)